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Iran 11-Month Petchem Exports Hit $12.4bn

Iran 11-Month Petchem Exports Hit $12.4bn
(Tuesday, February 10, 2015) 12:14

TEHRAN Feb 10(NIPNA)--Iran has earned over 12.4 billion dollars for selling petrochemicals since the beginning of the current calendar year to March 2014, said the Customs Administration of Iran Chairman.

Masoud Karbasian said export of petrochemicals and gas condensates were Iran's top non-oil exports in the past 11 months. 

Addressing a press conference on Monday, the official said the petrochemicals export of the country has been up nearly 29% year-on-year. 

"In order to materialize requirements of the Resistive Economy, all officials must make every effort to facilitate enhancement of the country's export of value-added products like petrochemicals," he said. 

He further said the country earned 13.6 billion dollars from the sale of gas condensates, up 43% year-on-year, since March 21 2014. 

Iran's total exports during the period hit nearly 45bn dollars which was 22% higher than the corresponding period last year.
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