According to a report by Aryasasol Polymer, the project was initiated
by forming a task force comprising teams from operations, critical machinery,
inspection, and process management. This team conducted a thorough review of
the existing operating procedures for the C311 compressor and its associated
equipment, which had been initially set according to the compressor’s design
The outcome of this review was a 5% reduction in energy consumption,
equivalent to 3.2 megawatt-hours, along with an increase in production output
from 246 tons per hour to 250 tons per hour.
In addition to energy savings, the new operating procedures are
expected to reduce annual electricity costs and compressor maintenance expenses
by approximately 70 billion rials.
Aryasasol Polymer, recognizing the ongoing energy imbalance in the
country, began studying the implementation of this project at the beginning of
the year and executed it during the summer. This coincided with the increasing
energy shortfall, further highlighting the importance of energy conservation
The company continues to prioritize energy-saving initiatives across
its various units, with several other similar projects currently underway.