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Head of Petrochem Council in Makran Region Named

Head of Petrochem Council in Makran Region Named
(Wednesday, February 21, 2024) 16:38

TEHRAN (NIPNA) -- In a decree issued by the Deputy Minister of Petroleum and CEO of the National Petrochemical Company (NPC), Ali Reza Moniri Abiyaneh has been appointed as the head of the Strategic Council of Petrochemical Companies in the Makran region.

Morteza Shahmirzai, the Deputy Minister of Petroleum and NPC CEO, appointed Ali Reza Moniri Abiyaneh as the head of the Strategic Council of Petrochemical Companies in the Makran region.

The text of the decree reads as follows:

"Given the importance of social development concurrent with the development of the petrochemical industry and the fact that fulfilling social responsibility in the country's petrochemical industry will expedite the process of sustainable development and responsible performance of the industry towards the surrounding community and the area under the activities of the companies in this industry, and considering the commitments, expertise, and valuable background of Your Excellency, by virtue of this decree, you are appointed as the head of the Strategic Council of Petrochemical Companies in the Makran region for a period of one year.

It is hoped that, with reliance on Almighty God and cooperation with esteemed managers and colleagues and utilizing the capabilities of petrochemical companies with the aim of creating common value for society with the petrochemical industry and identifying regional priorities in the field of social responsibility, and with the coordination of the Secretariat of the Social Responsibility of the National Petrochemical Company, you will be successful and victorious in the following assigned tasks:

  1. Conveying and transferring top-down policies to the members of the Strategic Council.
  2. Drafting the required annual program and budget for the social responsibility area.
  3. Monitoring the implementation of council resolutions.
  4. Providing periodic performance feedback on council resolutions to the Secretary-General of the Petrochemical Industry Social Responsibility.
  5. Submitting periodic reports (first and second half of the year) on the council's social responsibility performance.
  6. Referring relevant matters and prioritizing them for discussion at council meetings.
  7. Determining and announcing the timing of regular and extraordinary council meetings.
  8. Following up on social attachments studies of petrochemical industry projects in the region.
  9. Monitoring social responsibility projects derived from social attachment studies.
  10. Establishing committees in various social responsibility areas while maintaining continuous interaction with the Secretariat.
  11. Effective and continuous cooperation and interaction with the Secretary-General of the Petrochemical Industry Social Responsibility of the country."

This appointment underscores the commitment to effective social responsibility management within the petrochemical industry, aiming to foster sustainable development and community engagement in the Makran region.

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